Solaris Fairy Astrology
Mystic Journey
1319 Abbot Kinney Blvd
Venice, CA USA 90291
Elysium Healing Arts Massage Reiki Yoga & Wellness
2907 W. Olive Ave.
Burbank, CA 91505
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Answers to Your Questions
Here you will find the answers to the questions that are frequently asked about this service.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Astrology Chart? (click to hide/show)
Do you ever wonder, "Why does he do that?" "I don't understand her!" "Will he ever listen to me?" "Why does she have so much pride?" "How can I convince them of my point of view?" "Will we be together forever?" It is questions like these that make getting an astrology reading so beneficial and therapeutic.
An Astrology Chart is who you are based on the degrees that the planets were in on the day you were born. In your reading, we can describe your personality, your interests, why you react in certain ways to certain situations, what is coming up for you in the future, what has happened in your recent past, what happened in your past lives, and what challenge you set up for yourself to overcome in this life.
Everything about Astrology can help you spiritually grow. By taking a deeper look into your own psyche, you can learn from your mistakes, raise your self-esteem, and you can adjust your way of looking at life so you are more serene.
You can also compare your chart to your lovers chart. You can learn how compatible you are and in what ways. By finding out more about who they are, it will increase your understanding of their motivations. By learning this, you can heal your relationships. We help you understand how your lover thinks, we suggest different ways of communicating so that they might understand you easier and what you are trying to say.
A reading also helps illuminate new relationships, by clarifying how you will connect, if you knew each other in a past life and what relationship the two of you had. We can identify the challenges of your relationship and we can help turn weaknesses into strengths. It will point out what lessons you are meant to teach your lover and your relationship destiny. It can also help you let go of a past relationship that may be unhealthy for you.
Astrology helps many family relationships as well and brings people closer together. As parents, it can help you understand how to best approach your child, how to guide them to the right path without their resisting or rebelling against you, and how to handle difficult situations. For parents of infants, we can tell you what your child will be prone to do as they get older, what their passions will be, their style of giving and receiving love, and what to expect For kids, we can help you heal from any strained relationship and especially how to communicate with your parents and brothers and sisters.
By getting an Astrology reading, you get answers... solutions... the truth... hope... and understanding.
Is This Really Accurate? (click to hide/show)
Yes, because it is a science, it is easy to predict your personality and the future based on the planets. Most people are surprised to find how accurate astrology really is! Of course, there are others who even if they don't believe in it, they enjoy it for the pure entertainment aspect.It's fun to see the reactions of your loved ones as they hear about themselves.
Astrology determines your personality from the moment you were born. However, since then you have been exposed to many people who have shaped you with their philosophies and teachings, so of course (thankfully) now you are not the same person you were when you were born. Your environment can effect you and alter your thoughts and behaviors, and of course you have spiritually evolved since birth. There is also Free Will. This is why two people born on the exact birthday (such as twins) can be so vastly different from each other even though they have all identical planets. We have found that generally, our readings are at least 95% accurate.
If you wonder if your reading is accurate, feel free to ask someone close to you who you trust to be completely honest, to also listen to your recorded reading. A reason why people sometimes may not find their charts to be accurate is because it is hard to look inside themself with clear vision and memory. For example, if your chart says that you are a very artistic person, but you feel like you have no talent with the arts at all, you may have forgotten that as a child you had always loved to paint, draw, and sing, but got discouraged from it as you got older.
Alot of it depends on your self-esteem as well and how honest you are willing to be with yourself. But we feel that if you look inside yourself, you will be able to receive those many gifts that make up who you are.
Will This Conflict With My Religion? (click to hide/show)
No, and we're glad you asked that!
So many people worry about, "But I am a Christian!" "Will I go to hell?" "Is this black magic?" "Are you a witch?" Well, it's time to clear up these misconceptions! Astrology is a SCIENCE which even though there are some "New-Age" philosophies and interpretations, it is not religion based. Astrology is "Astronomy" + "Psychology." Astrology is based on the angles, degrees, houses, and zodiac signs of the planets on the day you were born. The way they all combine together creates a beautiful tapestry - YOU.
However, many people use religion to gain a higher understanding of the world and their own purpose and therefore it benefits them when we "speak in their language." When we talk about "destiny," "past lives," "God," "fate," and "soulmates" - it helps them on a deeper spiritual level and puts things into perspective for them. But they are no more going to hell than if they listened to any other scientist or psychologist. For those of you who do want to learn about your past lives, however, Astrology does support the theory of reincarnation so there is a way of telling who you were, what your profession was, and how you handled your relationships in your past lives.
This is meant to help you grow right now because whether you believe in one lifetime or many lifetimes, the most important one .... is this life.
What If I Am Scared Of Who I Am? (click to hide/show)
Alot of people wonder, "What if you say I'm a bad person?" "What if you say that I'm worthless?" "What if you see all my flaws?" Well, you don't have to worry, that is not what astrology does. It won't tell you anything scary and it won't say that you're about to die or that something bad will befall you.
Astrology is only meant to make you aware of how you can succeed, how you can better yourself, to make sure that you are on the right track. It makes your life easier. Astrology can point out some things that people may find to be "scary," and we will tell you what they are. Some people, in their chart, have had trouble with controlling their anger, problems with drugs or alcohol, difficulties with fidelity.... but the reason why we would bring this to their attention is so we can let them know how to overcome these obstacles.
Their chart will help us in learning about what methods will be the most effective in breaking bad habits, and also identifying problems that they don't want to see so they can better deal with it. We feel that the reason why life gives you so many challenges, is so that we can learn to conquer them. Lots of people worry if we will share your readings with others. We want to reassure you that all readings are 100% confidential. There is only one copy of the reading and that we mail to you. We do not keep them on file.
There is no way someone can accidentally "discover your secrets." If you choose to share your reading with others, than that is totally up to you. Astrology is not a scary thing, there is nothing to be afraid of. These are all inspirational readings, designed to help you heal, to embrace your joys, and uplift your spirit. You will feel totally empowered and serene after your session.
What If I Have Another Question? (click to hide/show)
That's easy! Just email Solaris at!